Time flies so fast! It is already the year of our 10th anniversary since our launch in 2009-2010.
We may look like a baby compared to other companies’ history, but this is a major thing for us! The 10 last years were composed of successes, but also failures and learnings, that helped us to build stronger and more efficient. Though we were driven (and still are hopefully) by our passion and creativity, sometimes you need to slow it down a little to get better 😉
We would like to thank our clients, in France and abroad, who trusted us since our beginnings and through all the steps that lead us there.
And by there we mean… the n°1 french gluten-free factory in France, which is quite a thing, isn’t it? We are also in the top 3 European’s factories. This big new factory was our last step to get bigger and to jump over a major step in our strategic development.
This year is the 2nd one in our new factory and we still have so much work and projects to achieve!
To be continued…
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